There are a number of ways to receive coins. From contributions with community building, enrollment in various activities and in world events. Helping to grow the world by getting others registered will be rewarded. World design, build and development help will be rewarded. Attendance at various events. Playing games, winning games and just being in the right place at the right time.

The Polygon PoS chain. To add Polygon to MetaMask wallet please follow these steps

Any non-custodial Polygon-compatible wallet like MetaMask can be used to access the coins.

  1. If you do not have a wallet (and an address), please get yourself a wallet – like MetaMask
  2. Add Polygon network to your MetaMask wallet.
  3. Add Comic Con Coin Contract to your wallet.
    1. Select Polygon network
    2. Import Tokens
      1. Token Contract Address: 0x6E2A6AB315baE6782deB327fDF546cFD80041212
      2. Token Symbol: CCC
      3. Token Decimal: 18
  4. Request Comic Con Coin
  5. Once the coins are delivered you should see them in your MetaMask Wallet.

We are looking at Q4 2022 for a land sale

It will be determined by the market, but it is not available for purchase at the moment

No, we are not currently set up to do so, but exploring different options for circulation.

Yes, you will be able to use fiat currency in certain areas of the CCMV, but the ultimate and only coin to be used within the CCMV is the CCC.

We are not set up for token trading, swapping or transferring at the moment